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The drug Cialis for today is the most successful drug for increase of sexual vigor. Due to its continuity of an action (and this is up to 32 hours) Cialis has by an order passed over such well-known drug as Viagra, and at present moment is the most popular means for increase of sexual vigor by millions of men of the whole world. Due to Cialis, men now do not need to plan time of the sexual act within the accuracy of the minute and worry about its impossibility, if the sacred time of the drug activity has already finished. Just one tablet of Cialis in the morning and you will be able to gladden your partner with ardent, passionate sex even for the next day after taking the drug!

The mechanism of activity of Cialis does not differ from similar drugs for increase of sexual vigor; Cialis as the other drugs of the ED group promotes strengthening of blood circulation in the area of pelvis, therefore causing healthy erection in response to sexual excitement. It is contrary to a fear of some men about habituation of the organism to the drug and further constant increase of the dosage of Cialis. Clinical tests of the drug have shown that lengthy acceptance of the drug in one dosage considerably increases quality of the sexual life and even after cancellation of the drug the probationers continued showing qualitative erection.

The recommended dosage of the drug is 200 mg, i.e. one tablet. The maximal daily dosage – 40 mg. Cialis shall be taken minimum half an hour before the sexual act, washing down with enough quantity of water. Acceptance of Cialis is recommended on an empty stomach, because availability of greasy food in the stomach may slow the beginning of the drug activity. It is also worth mentioning that Cialis is a medicinal agent and it is not recommended to abuse alcohol during taking the drug.

Kupnja Cialis-a u Hrvatskoj može biti jednostavan proces ako slijedite nekoliko važnih koraka. Prvo, preporučljivo je konzultirati se s liječnikom kako biste dobili recept, jer je Cialis u Hrvatskoj dostupan samo uz liječnički recept. Lijek možete kupiti u ljekarnama diljem zemlje, a važno je osigurati da je ljekarna licencirana kako biste izbjegli potencijalno lažne proizvode. Cijena Cialis-a može varirati, stoga je korisno unaprijed provjeriti cijene u različitim ljekarnama. Također, moguće je naručiti Cialis online putem provjerenih hrvatskih web ljekarni, što može biti prikladno ako tražite diskreciju.